Mikita School Methodology

The Mi KiTa Center is not just a school, es a learning space that has adopted and been inspired by the Montessori philosophy to offer a unique and enriching educational experience. This methodology, created by Maria Montessori, puts the child at the center of the educational process, allowing you to be the active protagonist of your own learning.

In My Kita, each classroom is a reflection of this approach: environments prepared and meticulously designed to encourage exploration and discovery. Montessori materials, carefully selected, are within reach of children, inviting them to interact, learn and build your knowledge at your own pace.


Autonomy and responsibility are pillars at our center. Children have the freedom to choose their activities, guided by their innate curiosity and personal interests. At the same time, this freedom is accompanied by an environment of mutual respect and collaboration, where each child learns to value and care for their environment and their peers.

Mi KiTa educators, more than just instructors, They are guides that accompany and facilitate the learning process. They observe, understand and adapt their interventions according to the needs of each child, ensuring that everyone has opportunities to grow and develop fully.

In summary, the Mi KiTa Center, inspired by Montessori education, es an oasis of learning where curiosity, independence and respect flourish, preparing children not only for academics, but for life itself.