The Ideal Environment for Learning: Dear, Trust and Discovery

Since ever, Education has been the fundamental pillar for the development of society. However, The methods and approaches to deliver it have evolved over time. Currently, There is increasing recognition of the importance of creating a conducive learning environment, based on love, the trust, el apoyo y […]

Learning by discovery: A Deep Immersion in Student Autonomy

Since the dawn of civilization, Curiosity has been the driving force that has driven humanity to explore, innovate and advance. Discovery learning is nourished by this innate curiosity, allowing students to be active protagonists of their own educational process. In this article, We will delve into this pedagogical methodology, sus […]

Montessori Education: A Look at Child-Centered Pedagogy

Montessori education, founded by doctor Maria Montessori at the beginning of the 20th century, It is a philosophy and educational method that has been consolidated globally due to its focus on the comprehensive development of the child.. Next, We will explore its fundamental principles, features and benefits. 1. Principios fundamentales de la Educación Montessori El […]