Mikita School Facilities

The Mi KiTa Center facilities are a tangible testimony of its commitment to the Montessori philosophy. Each space has been designed and adapted to encourage autonomous learning, exploratory and meaningful for children.

Prepared Environments: When entering any Mi KiTa classroom, one can notice the Montessori influence immediately. The spaces are bright and welcoming, Meticulously organized to facilitate independent exploration. low shelves, accessible for the little ones, They are loaded with Montessori materials that invite manipulation and discovery.

Outdoor Play and Exploration Areas: Following the Montessori idea that contact with nature is essential for development, Mi KiTa has outdoor areas where children can interact with the environment. These spaces include gardens, play areas and discovery zones where children learn about plants, animals and the cycles of nature.


Multifunctional Spaces: Recognizing the diversity of interests and needs of children, Mi KiTa facilities also include multifunctional areas. These spaces are adapted for group activities, thematic workshops or even moments of rest and reflection.

Safety and Comfort: Safety is paramount at Mi KiTa. All areas are equipped to ensure the protection of children, with furniture appropriate to its size and padded areas to prevent accidents. Besides, The environments are air-conditioned to ensure the comfort of children in all seasons.

Art and Creativity Spaces: Inspired by the Montessori approach to creative expression, My KiTa has areas dedicated to art, music and dance. Here, children have the freedom to express themselves, create and experiment with different media and tools.

Definitely, Mi KiTa facilities are not simply physical spaces; They are carefully designed environments that reflect the Montessori essence in every corner. They are designed to enhance children's natural curiosity., allowing them to grow and learn in an environment that respects and celebrates their individuality.