Since ever, Education has been the fundamental pillar for the development of society. However, The methods and approaches to deliver it have evolved over time. Currently, There is increasing recognition of the importance of creating a conducive learning environment, based on love, the trust, support and closeness. As Singer put it, neurophysiologist: “Children learn only what they want.”, not what they have to”.

1. A Nurturing Environment for Learning

Affection and Trust: These two components act as the foundation of any effective educational experience.. When children feel that they are in a place where they are loved and can trust those around them, are more willing to explore, ask questions and take risks in your learning.

Support: Education is not a journey that should be done alone. The constant support of educators, parents and peers is vital for the student to overcome obstacles and face challenges.

Closeness: The relationship between educator and student must be close and genuine. When children feel that they are seen and understood, they feel more confident and willing to actively participate in the educational process.

2. Learning by discovery

Beyond a simple method, Discovery learning is a philosophy that puts the student at the center. Children are encouraged to explore and discover for themselves, guided by your curiosity and personal interests.

Progressivity and Individuality: Every child is unique, with your own needs, capabilities, talents, interests and areas for improvement. It is essential to recognize this individuality and allow everyone to progress at their own pace., acquiring knowledge gradually and adapted to its context.

Preparation for Life: The ultimate goal is not simply to acquire knowledge, but to prepare children for a full adult life. This involves not only teaching them specific facts and skills, but also instill values, resilience and a continuous growth mindset.


Create an educational environment based on affection, the trust, Support and closeness are essential for the optimal development of children. Combined with the discovery learning approach, They are given a solid platform from which they can explore the world, develop as individuals and, finally, become competent and compassionate adults. The education, in its highest form, It's not just about transmitting knowledge, but to cultivate whole human beings.

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